Prof. Tanguy Bernard (University of Bordeaux, France), Prof. Alemu Mekonnen (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia), Prof. Véronique Yoboue (Félix Houpouet Boigny University, Ivory Coast) spoke at the second General Assembly of IPORA, which was held in February 2023 in Rabat, Morocco.
Prof. Farid El Asri (Dean of the UIR College of Social Sciences and Director of the Center For Global Studies), Prof. Zineb Omary (Associate Professor at the UIR College of Social Sciences, Coordinator of the IPORA- Morocco project at the UIR), Prof. Ihsane Hmamouchi (Assistant Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Rheumatology at the UIR College of Health Sciences), Prof. Nawal BenAbdallah (Architect and Doctor of Geography, research professor at the UIR School of Architecture), Ms Caroline Straub (Psychologist, Trainer and Seminar Facilitator), Prof. Mohamed Ould Moussa (Professor specializing in mechanics and materials science at the College of Engineering and Architecture at the International University) speak at an interdisciplinary seminar organized by IPORA at the International University of Rabat.