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Doctoriales at the UFHB Biology-Environment-Health Doctoral School

Context and objectives of the activity:

The changeover of Côte d'Ivoire's public universities to the LMD system began at the start of the 2012-2013 academic year. On this occasion, several reforms were undertaken in all UFHB training and research units. At the Doctoral School of Biology-Environment-Health (ED-BES), the reforms concerned training and research, to ensure high-quality researchers at the service of the community. As part of its efforts to promote research results, ED-BES, in partnership with the IPORA (Interdisciplinary Policy Orented Research on Africa) major research program, and in particular the IPORA WP6 (food security) thematic group, is organizing the first edition of the doctoriales. These research projects will enable several ED-BES doctoral students to finalize their doctoral dissertations. It will also help to improve the supervision of doctoral students, performance in our institution and service to the community. The ED-BES doctoriales 2024 aimed to :

- Identify the scientific research work of selected doctoral students in the BES doctoral school;
- Present to the academic and non-academic communities the relevant and unpublished results of selected doctoral students;
- Evaluate, guide and consolidate the academic performance of young researchers, and establish a follow-up mechanism for doctoral students with innovative results.

Description of results and deliverables:

This training-through-research activity achieved the following results:
- Students' research results were presented to the academic and non-academic community;
- Successful career paths were presented to PhD students;
- A final activity report was produced.

Best practices and lessons learned for IPORA:

This training-through-research activity was an opportunity to introduce IPORA to the UFHB academic community (Doctoral Schools, UFRs, Laboratories, Students, Teachers and Researchers) as well as to research centers and institutes, namely: Institut Pasteur (IPCI), Centre Suisse de Recherche Scientifique (CSRS) and Centre National de Recherche Agronomique (CNRA).

Responsibles of the activity :

- Prof. Sébastien NIAMKE, Directeur ED-BES, UFHB
- Prof. Thierry ZOUE, UFHB