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Lectures at the Biology-Environment-Health Doctoral School

Context and objectives of the activity:

The UFHB Biology-Environment-Health Doctoral School organizes training for doctoral students through seminars on cross-disciplinary or specialized themes for the various host teams, of which there are seven (7). Within this framework, two (2) conferences were organized for students from the Food Security and Nutritional Safety (SASN) host team. The objectives of this activity were to

- host a conference on the theme: “Nutritious and Healthy Diets in Africa: Current Situation, Challenges and Levers for Policy Improvement”;
- host a conference on “Policy and programs implementation related to to healthy and nutritious diets”.

Description of results and deliverables:

At the end of this training-through-research activity, the PhD students' capacities were strengthened in terms of:
- conceptual framework of healthy eating and determinants in Africa ;
- stakeholder participation in the development of food policies and programs

Best practices and lessons learned for IPORA:

The hosting of these conferences by colleagues from Rabat and Addis Ababa provides an opportunity for teacher exchanges within the IPORA network as part of doctoral training.

Responsibles of the activity:

- Prof. Sébastien NIAMKE
- Prof. Thierry ZOUE, UFHB
- Prof. Tanguy Bernard, U-Bordeaux
- Prof. Zineb OMARY
- Prof. Kaleab BAYE, U-Addis Abeba