Organizers: Yousra Abourabi (UIR, CGS, Morocco), Jean-Noël Ferrié (CNRS UMR 5115, LAM, Sciences Po Bordeaux, France)
Other participants : Institut Balanitès, Paris, France (Balanites institute)(, Observatoire Homme-Milieux International de Téssékéré (CNRS-InEE / Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal)(, IRN CNRS "Science and the Great Green Wall”
The Great Green Wall project is a multilateral African initiative supported by 11 Sahelo-Saharan states. The Pan-African Agency for the Great Green Wall (APGMV) was set up by these states to oversee the policies of each of them and work towards their convergence. The convention creating it has been registered by the UN and the AU. Its administration is based in Nouakchott. It has signed support agreements involving the ADB, FAO and UNDP. It has given rise to an AU resolution. The Great Green Wall is therefore an international public policy.
In each country, there are a multitude of local actions concerning distinct ecosystems linked to specific communities. In addition to the regional level, there is also a national and a local level. This raises the question of the convergence of policies pursued at the three different levels: regional, national and local.
Added to this is the question of the very objects of the public policy in question: the natural environment, ecosystems, climate, livestock farming, agricultural activities - in other words, a set of objects with different frameworks and definitions. One of the questions that may arise is how institutional arrangements are transformed into effective impact on "humans" and "non-humans" in their natural domain.