Research involving human subjects is subject to compliance with the regulations in force in the countries concerned. In the case of multi-country research, this means not only the addition of rules, but also increasingly cumbersome and complex authorization application procedures, which impact on the feasibility of the research. The solution lies in defining a reference methodology that teams can use when submitting their application. At present, some national regulatory bodies recognize reference methodologies for research carried out in their own countries or regions, but none exists for research carried out in partnership between European and African countries. Seminar participants proposed the creation of an international working group to propose concrete solutions to this problem.
Organizers: Sophie Karcher (GHiGS), Célestin N'Chot (PACCI)
Other participants : Silvère ASSOUA (Head of Legal Affairs Department, Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications/TIC de Côte d'Ivoire - ARTCI), Edouard BENARD (RGDP referent lawyer, UB), Yaya COULIBALY (President NGO Solidarité Plus, Côte d'Ivoire), Edouard KOULOU (Head of communication and digital rights protection, Ivorian League of Human Rights), Célestin N'CHOT (Head of the IT Department, PACCI), Sophie Karcher (Head of the IT Department, GHiGS), Xavier ANGLARET (Researcher, Inserm/UB).